Mathematical Physics Seminar

[IBS-CGP  Seminar]

January 11, 2019 –

IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium


Alexander Aleksandrov (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)

Yong-Geun Oh (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics & POSTECH)


  • Two topics in general relativity
  • 16:15  – 18:15, 2024-07-23 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
  • SungJin Oh (UC Berkely)
  • Algebraic engineering and (q,t)-deformed integrable hierarchies
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2024-01-05 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
  • Jean-Emile Bourgine (The University of Melbourne)
  • Tropical Coamoeba, Calabi-Yau Mirror Symmetry and the Combinatorics of Dimers
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2023-09-08 at CGP Delta
  • Classical, quantum, and isomonodromic Seiberg-Witten geometry of A-type theories
  • 14:00  – 16:00, 2023-07-26 at CGP Delta
  • Nikita Nekrasov (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics)
  • Open r-spin theories with multiple boundary states
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2022-11-18 at Online Streaming
  • Ran Tessler (Weizmann Institute of Science)
  • Strings, knots and quivers
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2022-11-04 at Online Streaming
  • Piotr Sułkowski (University of Warsaw)
  • Superintegrability: new and old meanings and techniques
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2022-10-28 at Online Streaming
  • Aleksandr Popolitov (Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology)
  • Perturbative connection formulas for Heun equations
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2022-10-21 at Online Streaming
  • Oleg Lisovyi (University of Tours)
  • Integrable Systems and mirror symmetry in probability theory and combinatorics
  • 10:00  – 11:00, 2022-10-14 at Online Streaming
  • Jian Zhou (Tsinghua University )
  • Fractional quantum Hall effect via the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch formula
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2022-09-30 at Online Streaming
  • Dimitri Zvonkine (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines)
  • The spin Gromov-Witten/Hurwitz correspondence
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2022-09-23 at Online Streaming
  • Reinier Kramer (University of Alberta)
  • Defect in gauge theory and quantum spin chains
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2022-09-16 at CGP Main Hall
  • Norton Lee (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
  • Quantum trace map for 3-manifolds and a 'length conjecture'
  • 15:00  – 16:00, 2022-04-29 at CGP Main Hall
  • Dongmin Gang (Seoul National University)
  • Hall-Littlewood functions and Virasoro constraints
  • 10:00  – 11:00, 2022-04-22 at Online Streaming
  • Xiaobo Liu (Peking University)
  • The B-model for singular spectral curves and its enumerative interpretation
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2022-04-15 at Online Streaming
  • Gaëtan Borot (Institute for Mathematics & Institute for Physics, Humboldt University of Berlin)
  • Klein TQFT and real Gromov-Witten invariants
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2022-04-08 at Online Streaming
  • Penka Georgieva (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris)
  • Moduli spaces of residueless meromorphic differentials and the KP hierarchy
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2022-04-01 at Online Streaming
  • Paolo Rossi (University of Padua)
  • Mirror symmetry for a cusp polynomial Landau-Ginzburg orbifold
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2022-03-25 at Online Streaming
  • Alexey Basalaev (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
  • b-monotone Hurwitz numbers: Virasoro constraints, BKP hierarchy, and O(N)-BGW integral
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2022-03-18 at Online Streaming
  • Guillaume Chapuy (IRIF, Université de Paris)
  • Cluster integrable systems and supersymmetric gauge theories
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2022-03-11 at Online Streaming
  • Andrei Marshakov (Center for Advanced Studies, Skoltech)
  • CFT from Topological Recursion
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2021-11-26 at Online Streaming
  • Yunhyung Cho (Sungkyunkwan University)
  • Cohomological field theories and BKP integrability: Omega classes times Witten-classes
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2021-11-19 at Online Streaming
  • Danilo Lewański (Université de Genève)
  • Correlation functions for unitary invariant ensembles and Hurwitz numbers
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2021-11-12 at Online Streaming
  • Tamara Grava (Bristrol University, SISSA)
  • Quantum T-Q and KZ equations in gauge theory
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2021-10-29 at Online Streaming
  • Nikita Nekrasov (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics)
  • Bilinear expansions of lattices of KP $\tau$-functions in BKP $\tau$-functions, determinant and Pfaffian expressions of polynomial $\tau$-functions
  • 10:00  – 11:00, 2021-10-22 at Online Streaming
  • John Harnad (Mathematical Physics Laboratory, C.R.M, Université de Montréal)
  • Topological recursion for generalized Hurwitz numbers
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2021-10-08 at Online Streaming
  • Maxim Kazarian (Higher School of Economics, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology)
  • Graph connections, (wild) character varieties and generating function in symplectic geometry
  • 10:00  – 11:00, 2021-10-01 at Online Streaming
  • Marco Bertola (Concordia University)
  • Whittaker vectors for W-algebras from topological recursion
  • 10:00  – 11:00, 2021-09-24 at Online Streaming
  • Vincent Bouchard (University of Alberta)
  • KP integrability of triple Hodge integrals
  • 10:00  – 11:00, 2021-06-18 at Online Streaming
  • Alexander Aleksandrov (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
  • Fluxes, Holomorphic Anomalies and Elliptic Genera in d=4
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2021-05-28 at Online Streaming
  • Wolfgang Lerche (CERN)
  • New exact results for open enumerative invariants
  • 10:00  – 11:00, 2021-05-21 at Online Streaming
  • Sergei Gukov (California Institute of Technology)
  • On the rationality of MUMs and 2-functions
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2021-05-14 at Online Streaming
  • Johannes Walcher (Heidelberg University)
  • Topological recursion for simple singularities
  • 10:00  – 11:00, 2021-04-30 at Online Streaming
  • Todor Milanov (Kavli IPMU)
  • Enumerative geometry via the moduli space of super Riemann surfaces
  • 10:00  – 11:00, 2021-04-23 at Online Streaming
  • Paul Norbury (University of Melbourne)
  • Abelianization, exact WKB and link invariants
  • 10:00  – 11:00, 2021-04-16 at Online Streaming
  • Andrew Neitzke (Yale University)
  • The Alexander polynomial as a universal invariant
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2021-04-09 at Online Streaming
  • Rinat Kashaev (University of Geneva)
  • Loop equations and integrable hierarchies for special cubic Hodge integrals
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2021-04-02 at Online Streaming
  • Di Yang (University of Science and Technology of China)
  • Quenched free energy from spacetime D-branes
  • 10:00  – 11:00, 2021-03-26 at Online Streaming
  • Kazumi Okuyama (Shinshu University)
  • Darboux coordinates for symplectic groupoid and cluster algebras
  • 10:00  – 11:00, 2021-03-19 at Online Streaming
  • Leonid Chekhov (Michigan State University)
  • A noncommutative generalization of Witten's conjecture
  • 17:00  – 18:00, 2021-03-12 at Online Streaming
  • Alexandr Buryak (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
  • Adjoint Reidemeister torsion and 3D-3D correspondence
  • 13:00  – 15:00, 2020-10-16 at CGP Main Hall
  • Dongmin Gang (Asia Pacific Center for Theorectical Physics)
  • M. Kontsevich’s graph complexes and universal structures on graded symplectic manifolds
  • 13:00  – 15:00, 2020-02-07 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
  • Kevin Morand (Sogang University)
  • Quantum toroidal algebras and instantons in supersymmetric gauge theories
  • 13:30  – 15:30, 2019-05-24 at CGP Main Hall
  • Jean-Emile Bourgine (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
  • Index theorems for gauge theories, wall crossing and holonomy saddles
  • 13:00  – 15:00, 2019-04-26 at CGP Main Hall
  • Piljin Yi (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
  • From Walking Backgrounds to the Early Universe
  • 13:00  – 15:00, 2019-04-19 at CGP Main Hall
  • Lilia Anguelova (INRNE)
  • Fundamental Factorization of a GLSM
  • 13:00  – 15:00, 2019-04-05 at CGP Main Hall
  • Bumsig Kim (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
  • BPS/CFT correspondence: some applications of defects in supersymmetric gauge theory
  • 13:00  – 15:00, 2019-02-08 at CGP Main Hall
  • Nikita Nekrasov (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics)
  • Lie algebra representations and moduli spaces of sheaves on surfaces
  • 14:00  – 16:00, 2019-01-11 at CGP Main Hall
  • Sheldon Katz (University of Illinois)
  • The B-model for singular spectral curves and its enumerative interpretation
January 11
February 8
April 5
April 19
April 26
May 24
February 7
October 16
March 12
March 19
March 26
April 2
April 9
April 16
April 23
April 30
May 14
May 21
May 28
June 18
September 24
October 1
October 8
October 22
October 29
November 12
November 19
November 26
March 11
March 18
March 25
April 1
April 8
April 15
April 22
April 29
September 16
September 23
September 30
October 14
October 21
October 28
November 4
November 18
July 26
September 8
January 5
July 23
January 1
Sheldon Katz
Nikita Nekrasov
Bumsig Kim
Lilia Anguelova
Piljin Yi
Jean-Emile Bourgine
Kevin Morand
Dongmin Gang
Alexandr Buryak
Leonid Chekhov
Kazumi Okuyama
Di Yang
Rinat Kashaev
Andrew Neitzke
Paul Norbury
Todor Milanov
Johannes Walcher
Sergei Gukov
Wolfgang Lerche
Alexander Aleksandrov
Vincent Bouchard
Marco Bertola
Maxim Kazarian
John Harnad
Nikita Nekrasov
Tamara Grava
Danilo Lewański
Yunhyung Cho
Andrei Marshakov
Guillaume Chapuy
Alexey Basalaev
Paolo Rossi
Penka Georgieva
Gaëtan Borot
Xiaobo Liu
Dongmin Gang
Norton Lee
Reinier Kramer
Dimitri Zvonkine
Jian Zhou
Oleg Lisovyi
Aleksandr Popolitov
Piotr Sułkowski
Ran Tessler
Nikita Nekrasov
Jean-Emile Bourgine
SungJin Oh