Pacific Rim Complex-Symplectic Geometry Conference

[IBS-CGP  Conference]

July 31 – August 4, 2017

POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122

Pacific Rim Complex-Symplectic Geometry Conference

Local Organizers

Jun-Muk Hwang (KIAS)

Yong-Geun Oh (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics & POSTECH)

Jihun Park (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics, POSTECH)

Scientific Committee

Xiuxiong Chen (SUNY-Stony Brook)

Kengo Hirachi (Tokyo University)

Jun-Muk Hwang (KIAS)

Yong-Geun Oh (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics & POSTECH)

Kaoru Ono (RIMS, Kyoto University)

Xiaohua Zhu (Peking University)

Invited Speakers

Taeyong Ahn (KIAS)

Hulya Arguz (Imperial College London)

Bo-Yong Chen (Fudan University)

Young-Jun Choi (Institut Fourier, Université Grenoble Alpes)

Tomoyuki Hisamoto (Nagoya University)

Pak Tung Ho (Sogang University)

Jaehyun Hong (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)

Yoosik Kim (Boston University)

Calin Iuliu Lazaroiu (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)

Haozhao Li (University of Science and Technology of China)

Takeo Nishinou (Rikkyo University)

Egor Shelukhin (University of Montreal)

Yusaku Tiba (Ochanomizu University)

Dmitry Tonkonog (Uppsala University, UC Berkeley)

Kai Zheng (University of Warwick)

Bin Zhou (Peking University)


  • Differential models for B-type open-closed Landau-Ginzburg theories
  • 10:45  – 11:45, 2017-08-04 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Calin Iuliu Lazaroiu (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
  • Equidistribution of positive closed currents
  • 09:30  – 10:30, 2017-08-04 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Taeyong Ahn (KIAS)
  • Optimal regularity of plurisubharmonic envelopes on compact Hermitian manifolds
  • 15:30  – 16:30, 2017-08-03 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Bin Zhou (Peking University)
  • Log geometric techniques for open invariants in mirror symmetry
  • 14:00  – 15:20, 2017-08-03 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Nuromur Hulya Arguz (Imperial College London)
  • Bergman kernel and hyperconvexity index
  • 11:15  – 12:15, 2017-08-03 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Bo-Yong Chen (Fudan University)
  • Positivity of direct images of fiberwise Ricci-flat metrics on Calabi-Yau fibrations
  • 10:00  – 11:00, 2017-08-03 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Young-Jun Choi (Institut Fourier, Université Grenoble Alpes)
  • The wall-crossing formula and Lagrangian mutations
  • 10:45  – 11:45, 2017-08-02 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Dmitry Tonkonog (Uppsala University, UC Berkeley)
  • Barcodes and Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms
  • 09:30  – 10:30, 2017-08-02 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Egor Shelukhin (University of Montreal)
  • The extension of holomorphic functions on a non-pluriharmonic locus
  • 15:30  – 16:30, 2017-08-01 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Yusaku Tiba (Ochanomizu University)
  • The extension problem of mean curvature flow in $R^3$
  • 14:00  – 15:00, 2017-08-01 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Haozhao Li (University of Science and Technology of China)
  • Monotone Lagrangian tori in cotangent bundles
  • 11:15  – 12:15, 2017-08-01 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Yoosik Kim (Boston University)
  • Periodic plane tropical curves and holomorphic curves on tori
  • 10:00  – 11:00, 2017-08-01 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Takeo Nishinou (Rikkyo University)
  • The positive mass theorem on the three-dimensional CR manifolds
  • 15:30  – 16:30, 2017-07-31 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Pak Tung Ho (Sogang University)
  • Geodesics in the space of Kahler cone metrics and constant scalar curvature Kahler cone metrics
  • 14:00  – 15:00, 2017-07-31 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Kai Zheng (University of Warwick)
  • Pseudoconcavity of flag domains
  • 11:15  – 12:15, 2017-07-31 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Jaehyun Hong (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
  • Stability of a polarized manifold and coercivity of the K-energy functional
  • 10:00  – 11:00, 2017-07-31 at POSTECH Information Research Laboratories 122
  • Tomoyuki Hisamoto (Nagoya University)
July 31
August 1
August 2
August 3
August 4
Tomoyuki Hisamoto
Jaehyun Hong
Kai Zheng
Pak Tung Ho
Takeo Nishinou
Yoosik Kim
Haozhao Li
Yusaku Tiba
Egor Shelukhin
Dmitry Tonkonog
Young-Jun Choi
Bo-Yong Chen
Nuromur Hulya Arguz
Bin Zhou
Taeyong Ahn
Calin Iuliu Lazaroiu


Online registration is not available.

External Link


  • IBS-CGP Workshop  (