2016 Pohang Mathematics Workshop

[IBS-CGP  Workshop]

November 24 – 27, 2016

Novotel Ambassador Busan, Busan

The aim of this workshop is to encourage academic exchange and promote friendly relations among researchers at mathematics institutions in the Pohang area.


Youngjin Bae (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)

Hwajong Yoo (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)


Florin Ambro (Simion Stoilow)

Jinseok Cho (Busan National University of Education)

Sung Rak Choi (Yonsei University)

Dmitry Doryn (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)

Myeonggi Kwon (Seoul National University)

Byeongho Lee (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences)*

Sangwook Lee (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)

Yoshikazu Nagata (The Center for Geometry and its Applications)

Jongil Park (Seoul National University)

Mehdi Tavakol (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)

Youngho Yoon (Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Center for Mathematical Challenges)


  • On Lie group structure of automorphism groups
  • 11:10  – 12:00, 2016-11-27 at Novotel Ambassador Busan, Busan
  • Yoshikazu Nagata (The Center for Geometry and its Applications)
  • Global well-posedness and stability of the relativistic Boltzmann equation without angular cut-off
  • 10:00  – 10:50, 2016-11-27 at Novotel Ambassador Busan, Busan
  • Jin Woo Jang (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
  • Symplectic fillings and rational blowdowns
  • 11:10  – 12:00, 2016-11-26 at Novotel Ambassador Busan, Busan
  • Jongil Park (Seoul National University)
  • The $c_2$ invariant of completed Feynman graphs in $\phi^4$
  • 10:00  – 10:50, 2016-11-26 at Novotel Ambassador Busan, Busan
  • Dmitry Doryn (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
  • Morse-Bott spectral sequences and the links of weighted homogeneous polynomials
  • 17:10  – 18:00, 2016-11-25 at Novotel Ambassador Busan, Busan
  • Myeonggi Kwon (Seoul National University)
  • Various aspects of the volume conjecture
  • 16:00  – 16:50, 2016-11-25 at Novotel Ambassador Busan, Busan
  • Jinseok Cho (Busan National University of Education)
  • Introduction to potential pairs
  • 15:00  – 15:50, 2016-11-25 at Novotel Ambassador Busan, Busan
  • Sung Rak Choi (Yonsei University)
  • Factorisation Algebras and Vertex Algebras
  • 14:00  – 14:50, 2016-11-25 at Novotel Ambassador Busan, Busan
  • Damien Lejay (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
  • Frobenius manifolds and topological conformal field theories
  • 11:10  – 12:00, 2016-11-25 at Novotel Ambassador Busan, Busan
  • Byeongho Lee (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences)
  • On normal crossing singularities
  • 10:00  – 10:50, 2016-11-25 at Novotel Ambassador Busan, Busan
  • Florin Ambro (Simion Stoilow)
  • Differential models for B-type open-closed topological Landau-Ginzburg theories
  • 17:10  – 18:00, 2016-11-24 at Novotel Ambassador Busan, Busan
  • Mehdi Tavakol (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
  • Combinatorics of hyperplane arrangements
  • 16:00  – 16:50, 2016-11-24 at Novotel Ambassador Busan, Busan
  • Youngho Yoon (Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Center for Mathematical Challenges)
  • Mirror symmetry between Calabi-Yau categories
  • 15:00  – 15:50, 2016-11-24 at Novotel Ambassador Busan, Busan
  • Sangwook Lee (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
November 24
November 25
November 26
November 27
Sangwook Lee
Youngho Yoon
Mehdi Tavakol
Byeongho Lee
Sung Rak Choi
Jinseok Cho
Myeonggi Kwon
Florin Ambro
Damien Lejay
Jongil Park
Dmitry Doryn
Yoshikazu Nagata
Jin Woo Jang

External Link


  • Eunyoung Jang  ()