1. March 14: Damien Lejay
Thank you for being here, for supporting it by coming to the first lecture. I’ve
named this the derived seminar and set up a webpage for the seminar, with pdfs
that would be the skeleton of the seminar and I will put information like who is
going to talk next and what it’s going to be about. I’ll upload the pdfs every week.
If you want to recall anything then it’s just for you.
I’ve been thinking about the roadmap and how to articulate the things on the
wishlist. Today is the first day and I’ll talk for two hours about category theory.
There will be another session where we do category theory again. Then one session
of introduction to the problematics of differential graded categories and why we are
interested in these tools. One session of introduction, one session just on differential
graded categories, then two sessions on model categories. Then we’ll study differ-
ential graded categories again with those tools. This will take us through April.
Then we’ll have a session on triangulated categories. Already we will have seen
these things. then we will have -categories, stable -categories, and comparison
theorems. I won’t plan more than that but by that time we will want to change
the wishlist and can add and change things.
[Discussion of timing]
In the first hour I will give definitions, examples, and vocabulary, and in the
second hour we’ll do computations. Many many very important things will be said
in the next week.
Category theory is a language, a theory that helps you to write down mathe-
matics. It’s like set theory. You don’t do it for its own sake but rather do it to
help you do mathematics. To define categories and work with them we will use the
language of sets, and I’ll start with some fun about set theory.
When you start with set theory, you talk about sets and it’s great and then you
try to take the set of all sets and it’s not so great. So when you take the “set” of all
sets, this is a “class”. Classes are much bigger and that means you can’t do quite
the same operations on them.
What happens if I want to talk about the collection of all classes. You could
could call this a “superclass”, it’s not inside the theory of sets. What can I can do
with this? I don’t know. What if I take a collection of collections? I can’t really
do anything here anyway. So we haven’t really solved the problem. There’s some
boundary, but I want to be able to consider big objects. There’s a nice solution to
this, called Grothendieck universes.
Definition 1.1. A universe is a set U with some properties:
if x is in U then the power set P (x) is in U;
if x is in y and y is in U then x is in U (transitivity);
if {x
have I U and x
U then
the natural numbers are in the universe (or equivalently, U contains at least
one infinite set).
These properties tell you that all the operations of set theory work in U. You
don’t need to go elsewhere because all you do uses these sets.
The empty set is one example. The second one is natural numbers, where each
natural number is the union of the numbers before. You never go outside of this
universe. But these don’t match the final axiom. Already when we said the natural
numbers we use the axiom of set theory that there is an infinite set. In fact, if you
just take the ZF axioms and the axiom of choice, you cannot prove that there is a
universe bigger than N, you don’t know. So I should add an axiom that for every
set X there exists a universe U with X U. This is a harmless axiom. You can put
it next to ZF and it will still be mathematics, but it will be helpful.
Something about universes, they are sets, so they have a cardinal, the cardinal
of a universe, because of the stability under these operations, you get that they are
strongly inaccessible. If κ < card(U) then 2
< card(U). The existence of universes
is equivalent to the existence of strongly inaccessible cardinals. This is completely
harmless and transparent in the rest of your life in mathematics.
Now there’s a bonus. Since N is a set, there is a universe U containing N. But
then there is a universe V containing U. Then the set of all ‘sets’ lives in U. If I
want the set of all things like this, I move to W. Every time I do something illegal
in set theory I just jump up a level of universes.
With this said, I will stop set fun and start categorical fun. I’ll give the definition
of a category and then some examples. At some point we’ll take a break before
Definition 1.2. A category C is a set of objects Ob C (I have a universe and a
“set” is inside my universe). For x and y in Ob C I have a new object Hom(x, y),
the arrows or homomorphisms from x to y, and I’ll picture these like x
Ð y. I have
a special arrow for x Ob C, I have a special arrow Id
Hom(x, x), which goes
Ð x, a special arrow. When I have arrows that I think of as functions, if I have
Ð y
Ð z I get an arrow g f Hom(x, z). I want
Id f = f and f Id = f.
For three composable arrows I want (f g)h = f (g h).
Next I have to to give an example. Instead I will give the example, the category
of sets. I’ll call it U Set, and for this I need the set of objects. The objects of my
category will be U. If I have two sets x and y in U, I need to know Hom
U Set
(x, y),
this will be the set of functions from x to y. I have to give my identity element,
which will be the identity function, and I have to give composition, and that’s
composition of functions.
We don’t want to speak about universes all the time so I will talk about Set
instead of U Set. This is the most basic example, you’ll have more complicated
categories, and a lot of the time they will be built like this because they will have
underlying sets.
I’ll give some basic examples and classical notation for them. We’re going to see.
There’s a category called Ab which is the category of Abelian groups. The objects
of Ab are the Abelian groups, but I cannot take “all” Abelian groups, that’s too
big, so I want the underlying set to be in U. If I have two Abelian groups A and
B, then Hom
(A, B) is the linear (additive) functions from A to B. I should be
sure that composition of additive functions is an additive function and so on. No
problem, so this is a category.
There’s a category Rings of rings, whose objects are rings such that the under-
lying set is in U. Then Hom
(R, S) is the set of ring homomorphisms from R
to S.
So these are natural. Most concepts in mathematics can be described in this
language. Let me give a category Ban of Banach spaces, so the objects are Banach
spaces whose underlying sets are in U. Then Hom
(V, W ) are the continuous
linear functions from V to W .
I could also take a category Ban
, which has the same objects, Banach spaces,
but different arrows. Here Hom
(V, W ) is the set of continuous linear maps
f V W such that ∣∣f∣∣ 1. If you compose two contracting morphisms you still
get a contracting morphism, and the identity is a contracting morphism.
Let me give two other well-known categories. Vect
is the category of real vector
spaces, here the objects are vector spaces with underlying set in U. I’ll end the list of
known categories by Top, again the objects are topological spaces with underlying
set in U. The topology will then be inside U. There is no problem here. The
functions will be continuous functions.
Immediately from the definition is a principle that allows you to build twice as
many categories, the duality principle. In categories, there is a difference between
left and right, and what I can do is build a category by swapping the arrows.
Let C be a category. Let C
be the category with the same objects and the
arrows reversed, for x, y Ob C I want Hom
(x, y) = Hom
(y, x). So let’s give an
example. So say you have a category with only the following arrows
0 1
and you take the opposite category you get
0 1
If you take Rings
you get a useful and well-known category, the category of affine
schemes. Taking the opposite category is useful because of things that depend on
the side of the arrow. So if you have property P on C
, that means you have
“co”-P on C. If you change the direction of the arrow, things are swapped.
Since Descartes, we have tried to embed geometry in algebra, and here we see
the principle that “geometry” is “algebra”
. I know how to do this computation
on my algebra and I hope it will give me what I want on my geometry.
Now I’ll give a definition specific to category theory. If I have two arrows
x y
whose compositions are equal to the identity, g f = Id and f g = Id, then we call
f an isomorphism and say that x y, and I want to give a table of differences of
how you think in set and in category theory.
Sets Categories
set object
x y
You never want to talk about elements in category theory, you want to describe
things in terms of arrows. It’s forbidden. Equality is awkward, I’ll say isomorphic
or equivalent. There are plenty of examples but probably it’s good to take a break
right now. I’ll see you in five minutes.
Definition 1.3. D is a subcategory of C if Ob(D) Ob(C) and Hom
(x, y)
(x, y) and identities and compositions are compatible with the inclusion.
Examples include Ban
Ban, or finite sets inside sets. I could take the objects
of U-sets with surjective morphisms. The identity is surjective and compositions of
surjective morphisms are surjective. I could take torsion Abelian groups.
Definition 1.4. D C is full if for x, y Ob(D), we have Hom
(x, y) = Hom
(x, y).
I will say D C is wide if Ob(D) = Ob(C).
So the Banach and surjection examples are wide and the finite set and torsion
examples are full.
Definition 1.5. A category is a groupoid if every morphism is an isomorphism.
Take G a group, then we can build a category BG with one object and then
(, ) = G. It’s a point with G-many arrows, with composition given by
composition in the group. Because it’s a group you always can invert arrows.
If you have an action of G on X, then you can build a category a bit like G, where
the objects of the category are the elements of X and Hom(x, y) = {g G y = g.x}.
An arrow means there is an action of an element of G that goes from x to y. I can
always go back since G is a group.
If C is a category, we have the interior groupoid of C, the objects are the objects
of C, and the morphisms are the isomorphisms of C.
Now I want to spend the last forty-five minutes making computations of one of
the major things in category theory, called limits and colimits. This is a key big
thing in category theory.
So far I don’t have a lot of things in the structure. I have objects and arrows.
Maybe I have something like this:
In a category you have a notion of approximation of a diagram by a single object
of your category, and you have a problem of what it means to approximate. Close
means arrows, and arrows have a side. I can approximate on the left or on the
If I have an approximation on the left, I call this the limit and denote it lim
and on the right I call it the colimit and write lim
D. Let me simplify my diagram.
I want an arrow from my limit A to every element of my category and I want the
compositions to be commutative:
I will say I have a limit if I have a universal thing like this. If A is my limit, it’s
closer to my diagram than any other one. If I have another approximation B then
I should get an arrow B A which is unique.
For colimits it’s the same picture. An approximation on the right is something
like this Z:
The “best” approximation is one Z so that whenever you have an approximation
on the right, W , you get a map Z W , unique.
This is called the colimit because it’s on the right. If I swap directions, in the
opposite category limits become colimits and vice versa.
Let X be an object of C. The best approximation on both the left and right is
X, lim
D = X and lim
D = X. What if D is a single arrow, X
Ð Y . To make an
approximation on the left, Z, I need a map ϕ Z X and a map ψ Z Y . Then
ψ = f ϕ by compatibility. I want an approximation by only one object, and now I
want just a map Z
Ð X, and so my limit is X. So lim
D = X.
What about my approximation on the right? This will be an object Z, with
maps ψ X Z and ϕ Y Z. Compatibility says that ψ = ϕ f so ψ is useless.
Then I want an approximation by one object and Y looks like a good candidate.
So the colimit is Y .
When you have an arrow X Y then the approximation on the left is X and
on the right is Y .
If I have two arrows X
Ð Z, what are the best approximations on the left
and on the right? On the left it’s X with the identity map because the maps from
the limit to Y and Z are useless. On the right it’s Z with the identity.
What about the empty diagram? Can you have a best approximation on the
left and on the right? On the left it’s called a final object , every object in the
category has a morphism to this object, a unique one, to . An initial object is a
final object in the opposite category. An initial object is one, notated , an object
so that Hom(, c) is always of cardinality one.
In the category of sets, the empty set is initial, there is a unique map from the
empty set to any set, and a set with only one element is final. In the category of
Abelian groups, the Abelian group 0 is initial, and it’s also final because you always
have a map from any Abelian group to 0.
I want to give you more types of diagrams now. What about two objects and
no arrows. What is the limit or colimit if you have just two objects A and B. You
have some approximation Z, maybe, with arrows f Z A and g Z B. If this
exists we call it A × B. In sets this is the product.
So for the colimit, you need two maps, one from A W and one from B W .
In sets it’s called A B, what about in Ab, there you have A B. In the category
Ab, the coproduct of A and B is A B also. Then you can get the product and
the coproduct are the same.
Now I want to give you the definition of the coproduct in rings, but maybe, I
have two ring maps from R and S to W , then I want this to be R S W , and
the answer is R
S, this is ring theory. How do you build this map? You take the
product of the two things. You take R
W W . In rings this is the
tensor product, while for Abelian groups it’s sum and for sets it’s disjoint union. So
these things behave in the same way. If you can prove something abstractly about
coproducts then it will apply in all these contexts at once, so tensor products of
rings is like disjoint unions of sets is like sum of Abelian groups.
Another type of small diagrams,
So what is the limit, if it exists? I get Z
Ð X and Z
Ð with two conditions ψ = f ϕ
and ψ = g ϕ. So I have just the data ϕ and the condition f ϕ = g ϕ. I’ll say that I
factorize through the equalizer Eq(f, g) if this is in sets, that’s {x X, f (x) = g(x)}
and then that includes in X. Any time you have an arrow like this and compose
you get this condition. And any time you have an approximation it lands inside
this subset.
What about for colimits? I want an approximation W with maps ϕ Y W
and ψ X W . The conditions are ϕ f = ψ and ϕ g = ψ. So ψ is useless and
we just need ϕ f = ϕ g. Sometimes there is a colimit, and here in set theory
the colimit is called the coequalizer, this is the equalizer in the opposite category.
Can you guess what is the coequalizer? It’s going to be a quotient, it will be Y / ,
the equivalence relation generated by y z if there exists x X with f(x) = y and
g(x) = z. We know how to compute this.
Let me give this in a context that is much more visual. Let A and B be Abelian
groups, and take the two maps 0 and g:
and then the limit or equalizer is the kernel of g and the colimit or coequalizer is
the cokernel of g.
Now I want to go to fiber products. A fiber product is a different kind of diagram,
you have
The colimit of this is Z with the identity map, this is not very interesting. In the
other direction it will be the fiber product X ×
Y , which may or may not exist. In
sets it will exist, and there it will be pairs {(x, y) f(x) = g(y)}. You can check
that this is the correct limit in the category of sets.
Another tye of diagram, I swap the arrows and get
If this diagram has a colimit it’s called a pushout and is written X
Y , and may
not exist. In sets it exists, and is modeled by X Y / where x y if there is z in
Z with x = f (z) and y = g(z).
In rings, the pushout is the tensor product
So far I have written down limits and colimits for finite diagrams but we have
them for infinite diagrams. The simplest ones will have uninteresting compositions.
Consider X
, say I have an infinite tower of sets like this. What
is the limit of this diagram? It’s X
. The colimit will be the union of these. It
receives every one and anything that receives every one accepts a map from the
union. What if I have X
. The colimit is X
and the colimit is the
These are filtered, a filtered poset is one where you can always compare two
elements with the help of a third element, for any x and y there is z with arrows
x z and y z. Field extensions of Q are something like that, you can add
2 or
i or both. You can extend from either of the smaller ones to the big one.
2, i)
2) Q(i)
Filtered diagrams are good.
What is good about filtered posets is that it is easy to compute their colimits
in sets. If I have a filtered poset with at most one arrow x
Ð x
. The formula
for the colimit is that you take the disjoint union of the X
modulo the equivalence
relation that x
and x
are equivalent if there exists k and f
and f
that f
) = f
I have to give a basic idea for constructing any limit or colimit. Let me give a
Definition 1.6. A category C is complete if it has all limits. This means that every
time I give you a diagram you can find the limit. I mean a diagram of a reasonable
size, relative to the universe U. I’ll say it’s cocomplete if it has all colimits.
Theorem 1.1. U Set is complete and cocomplete.
There are several different recipes. One is to compute infinite products and
equalizers. This is a way to compute limits. In the other direction you need infinite
coproducts and coequalizers. On the other hand if you have pushouts and filtered
colimits you can define all colimits, a different recipe.