CGP Seminar
[IBS-CGP Seminar]
May 29, 2013 –
IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
Center for Geometry and Physics (CGP) Seminars on every Thursday afternoon are the most important regular event of IBS-CGP, and all members of the center are expected to participate. The seminars are formatted to encourage robust and dynamic interactions among participants. The first part of the seminar is a scheduled 2-hour talk by a designated speaker starting at 2 pm with a 30-minute intermission with tea and snack. After the talk, there is a discussion session where an improvised talk by the original speaker or a participant may be organized on spot until 6 pm. Discussions may continue over dinner.
- Colored Jones Polynomials on 4-Plat closures
- 16:15 – 18:15, 2025-01-23 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Phillip Choi (Seoul National University)
- Bohr- Sommerfeld Surgeries on Lagrangian Submanifolds
- 16:15 – 18:15, 2025-01-09 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Soham Chanda (University of Southern California)
- Analogues of hyperlogarithm functions on affine complex curves
- 16:15 – 18:15, 2024-12-05 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Benjamin Enriquez (Universit´e de Strasbourg)
- Kontsevich's invariants of disk fiber bundles, and a "product formula"
- 16:15 – 18:15, 2024-08-22 at CGP Delta
- Xujia Chen (Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics)
- Recent advances in the Langlands program
- 16:15 – 18:15, 2024-07-25 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- SugWoo Shin (UC Berkely)
- Floer theory of higher rank spectral networks
- 16:15 – 18:15, 2024-07-18 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Yoon Jae Nho (University of Cambridge)
- Finding isomorphic quantum field theories
- 16:15 – 18:15, 2024-07-11 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Monica Jinwoo Kang (University of Pennsylvania)
- Cluster structure on the moduli space of toric vector bundles over toric surfaces via mirror symmetry
- 16:15 – 18:15, 2024-07-04 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Yat-Hin Suen (KIAS)
- Polyhedral parametrization of canonical bases
- 16:15 – 18:15, 2024-05-16 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Gleb Koshevoi (The Institute for Information Transmission Problems Russian Academy of Sciences, IITP RAS)
- Classification of neighbourhoods around leaves of a singular foliation
- 16:15 – 18:15, 2024-05-02 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Simon-Raphael Fischer (National Center for Theoretical Sciences )
- [IBS-CGP Colloquium] The Movement of Carbon Atoms in Metals
- 16:15 – 17:15, 2024-04-25 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Rodney Ruoff (IBS Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM), UNIST)
- Joint ergodicity of piecewise monotone maps
- 16:15 – 18:15, 2024-03-21 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Younghwan Son (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
- Enumerative Geometry and Algebraic cycles
- 16:15 – 18:15, 2024-03-14 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Ramesh Sreekantan (Indian Statistical Institute)
- Unimodular random rooted manifolds
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2023-11-23 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Jaelin Kim (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics)
- [IBS-CGP Colloquium] Towards Quantum Computing with Spins on Surfaces
- 10:00 – 11:00, 2023-11-16 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Andreas Heinrich (IBS Center for Quantum Nanoscience (QNS) at Ewha Womans University)
- Diophantine approximation in the view point of homogenous dynamics and its S-arithmetic generalization
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2023-11-09 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Jiyoung Han (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
- Diagram genus, generators and applications
- 14:00 – 15:30, 2023-10-25 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Alexander Stoimenov (Dongguk University WISE)
- Symmetry vs. Transversality for the moduli space of bordered stable maps
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2023-10-05 at CGP Delta
- Kenji Fukaya (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics)
- Calabi–Yau structures on Rabinowitz Fukaya categories
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2023-08-03 at CGP Delta
- Jongmyeong Kim (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
- Operator algebras in AdS/CFT: bulk reconstruction, quantum extremal surfaces, and baby universe
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2023-04-20 at Math. Bldg. #404
- Monica Jinwoo Kang (California Institute of Technology)
- Wrapped Fukaya category of plumbings of cotangent bundles of spheres
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2023-04-13 at Math. Bldg. #404
- Dogancan Karabas (The University of Tokyo, Kavli IPMU)
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2023-03-30 at Math. Bldg. #404
- Johan Asplund (Columbia University)
- The Operad of Series Parallel posets and an identity of Ramanujan
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2023-02-02 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Eric Rubiel Dolores Cuenca (Yonsei University)
- Deviation spectrum of Birkhoff integrals for locally Hamiltonian flows on compact surfaces
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2023-01-05 at CGP Main Hall
- Minsung Kim (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
- Negatively curved asymptotically harmonic manifolds with non-uniform lattices and related rigidity phenomena
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2022-12-29 at CGP Main Hall
- Jaelin Kim (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics)
- Morphism spaces between coisotropic A-branes
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2022-12-22 at CGP Main Hall
- Yu Tung Yau ( Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Some results and conjectures the rank of some knot homologies
- 17:00 – 18:00, 2022-12-15 at Online Streaming
- Marco Marengon (Alfréd Rényi Institute for Mathematics)
- Natural differentiable structures on statistical models and the Fisher metric
- 17:00 – 18:00, 2022-11-17 at Online Streaming
- Hong Van Le (Institute of Mathematics of ASCR)
- Compactness results of Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian submanifolds in symplectic manifold
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2022-07-14 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Man Shun Ma (University of Copenhagen)
- Strong Suslin reciprocity, additive dilogarithms, and a family of algebraic curves
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2022-06-16 at CGP Main Hall
- Jinhyun Park (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
- Groups of area-preserving homeomorphisms, spectral estimators, and Sikorav's trick
- 16:00 – 17:00, 2022-05-19 at Online Streaming
- Lev Buhovsky (Tel Aviv University)
- New developments in involutive Heegaard Floer homology
- 10:00 – 11:00, 2022-04-14 at Online Streaming
- Ian Zemke (Princeton University)
- Symmetries and Knot Floer homology
- 17:00 – 18:00, 2022-02-17 at Online Streaming
- Abhishek Mallick (Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik)
- Seiberg-Witten Floer K-theory for knots
- 16:00 – 17:00, 2022-01-13 at Online Streaming
- Hokuto Konno (The University of Tokyo)
- Tropical Lagrangian multi-sections and toric vector bundles
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2021-07-01 at Online Streaming
- Yat-Hin Suen (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
- Topologies on the exponential
- 16:00 – 17:00, 2021-05-06 at Online Streaming
- Damien Lejay (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
- Invariants of non-arborescent knots, links & topological entanglement
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2021-04-29 at Online Streaming
- Saswati Dhara (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
- Computation of categorical entropy via spherical functors
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2021-03-04 at Online Streaming
- Jongmyeong Kim (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
- Jacobi–Trudi formulas for flagged refined dual stable Grothendieck polynomials
- 13:00 – 15:00, 2020-11-25 at Online Streaming
- Jang Soo Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)
- Classification of hyperbolic Dehn fillings
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2020-07-30 at CGP Main Hall
- BoGwang Jeon (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
- Two-row W-graphs in affine type A
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2020-06-11 at Online Streaming
- Dongkwan Kim (University of Minnesota)
- Fiberwise Kähler-Einstein metric and Kähler-Ricci flow on a family of strongly pseudoconvex domains
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2020-01-30 at CGP Main Hall
- Young-Jun Choi (Pusan National University)
- Virtual Intersection Theories
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2020-01-16 at CGP Main Hall
- Hyeonjun Park (Seoul National University)
- Birational geometry of moduli spaces of curves and K3 surfaces
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2020-01-02 at CGP Main Hall
- Changho Han (University of Georgia)
- Link homology theories, ribbon concordances, and their generalizations
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2019-12-19 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Sungkyung Kang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Artin's primitive root conjecture for function fields without Riemann Hypothesis
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2019-12-12 at CGP Main Hall
- Seoyoung Kim (Queen’s University)
- Doubling stops and spherical swaps
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2019-11-28 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Zachary Sylvan (Columbia University)
- Characteristic numbers of elliptic fourfolds
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2019-11-14 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Monica Jinwoo Kang (Caltech)
- Categorical systolic inequality for the Fukaya category of 4-dimensional Milnor fiber of ADE singularity
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2019-10-31 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Jongmyeong Kim (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
- Towards A+B theory in conifold transitions for Calabi-Yau threefolds
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2019-10-10 at CGP Main Hall
- Yuan-Pin Lee (University of Utah)
- On a GIT characterization of cofree representations
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2019-08-22 at CGP Main Hall
- Matthew Satriano (University of Waterloo)
- BPS invariants for Seifert manifolds
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2019-08-08 at CGP Main Hall
- Hee-Joong Chung (Tsinghua University)
- Double Poisson algebras up to homotopy
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2019-08-01 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Johan Leray (University of Paris 13)
- Localizing quantum Chern classes
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2019-05-30 at CGP Main Hall
- Yasha Savelyev (University of Colima)
- Langlands Duality and Quantum Field Theory
- 15:30 – 17:30, 2019-03-27 at CGP Main Hall
- Philsang Yoo (Yale University)
- Mapping coalgebras
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2019-02-28 at CGP Main Hall
- Brice Le Grignou (University of Utrecht)
- Algebraic K-theory and motivic cohomology
- 16:00 – 17:00, 2019-02-21 at CGP Main Hall
- Jinhyun Park (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
- Little strings and T-duality
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2018-12-13 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Joonho Kim (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
- Ring structure of wrapped Floer homology of real Lagrangians in Brieskorn Milnor fibers
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2018-12-06 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- Hanwool Bae (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- K-theory, endomorphisms, and Witt vectors
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2018-11-14 at IBS POSTECH Campus Bldg. #301 Auditorium
- David Gepner (Purdue University)
- Vertex algebras and applications to algebraic geometry and number theory
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2018-11-08 at CGP Main Hall
- Alexander Zuevsky (Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
- Riemann-Hilbert correspondence and Fukaya category
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2018-10-18 at CGP Main Hall
- Tatsuki Kuwagaki (Kavli IPMU)
- A Galois action on the space of knots
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2018-09-20 at CGP Main Hall
- Geoffroy Horel (Paris 13 University)
- Tempered analytic geometry
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2018-09-06 at CGP Main Hall
- François Petit (University of Luxembourg)
- Almost Equilateral Pentagonal Tilings of the Sphere
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2018-06-14 at CGP Main Hall
- Hoi Ping Luk (The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology)
- Cellular E_2-algebras and the unstable homology of mapping class groups
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2018-06-07 at CGP Main Hall
- Alexander Kupers (Harvard University)
- Classification of full exceptional collections of line bundles on some Fano 3folds and on some projective bundles
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2018-05-10 at CGP Main Hall
- Wanmin Liu (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
- On lifted model structures
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2018-04-19 at CGP Main Hall
- Philip Hackney (Macquarie University )
- Birational geometry of singular Fano 3-folds
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2018-04-12 at CGP Main Hall
- Hamid Ahmadinezhad (Loughborough University)
- Homotopy Theory of cogebras
- 10:00 – 12:00, 2018-04-12 at CGP Main Hall
- Damien Lejay (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
- Automorphisms of pointless surfaces
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2018-04-05 at CGP Main Hall
- Constantin Shramov (Steklov Mathematical Institute)
- Feynman categories. Basics and first constructions.
- 13:30 – 15:30, 2018-04-05 at CGP Main Hall
- Ralph Kaufmann (Purdue University)
- Towards the strong Arnold conjecture
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2018-03-29 at CGP Main Hall
- Roman Golovko (Free University of Brussels)
- Ergodic approach to combinatorial number theory
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2018-01-18 at CGP Main Hall
- Younghwan Son (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
- Openness results for uniform K-stability
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-12-14 at CGP Main Hall
- Kento Fujita (RIMS)
- Bihamiltonian Structures of Evolutionary PDEs and their Classification
- 13:00 – 15:00, 2017-12-14 at CGP Main Hall
- Si-Qi Liu (Tsinghua University)
- Cubical categories and nerve functors
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-11-16 at CGP Main Hall
- Brice Le Grignou (Utrecht University)
- On a Riemannian 4-manifold with a harmonic 2-form of constant length
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-11-09 at CGP Main Hall
- Inyoung Kim
- Wrapped floer homology and volume growth in the component of fibered twists
- 13:00 – 15:00, 2017-11-09 at CGP Main Hall
- Joontae Kim (Seoul National University)
- beta-deformed irregular matrix model and its spectral curve
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-10-26 at CGP Main Hall
- Chaiho Rim (Sogang Unversity)
- A dendroidal approach to cyclic operads
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-10-19 at CGP Main Hall
- Philip Hackney (Macquarie University)
- Combinatorics of real toric manifolds associated with a pseudograph associahedron
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-10-12 at CGP Main Hall
- Boram Park (Ajou University)
- Persistent homology and microlocal sheaf theory
- 16:00 – 17:00, 2017-09-07 at CGP Main Hall
- Pierre Schapira (University of Paris VI)
- Multisymplectic geometry and covariant phase space
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-08-16 at CGP Main Hall
- Frédéric Hélein (University Denis Diderot - Paris 7)
- Introduction to Enumerative Geometry II: Gromov-Witten invariants
- 11:15 – 12:15, 2017-07-27 at CGP Main Hall
- Hiep Dang (NCTS, National Taiwan University)
- Introduction to Enumerative Geometry I: Schubert Calculus
- 10:00 – 11:00, 2017-07-27 at CGP Main Hall
- Hiep Dang (NCTS, National Taiwan University)
- Gamma Conjecture I for del Pezzo surfaces
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-07-20 at CGP Main Hall
- Changzheng Li (Sun Yat-sen University)
- Lusztig parameterization and the string parameterization of canonical bases
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-07-13 at CGP Main Hall
- Myungho Kim (Kyung Hee University)
- Stable objects under a Fourier-Mukai transform on the product elliptic threefold
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-06-29 at CGP Main Hall
- Chieh-Cheng Lo (Jason Lo) (California State University Northridge)
- Examples of stability for complexes of coherent sheaves
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-06-22 at CGP Main Hall
- Chieh-Cheng Lo (Jason Lo) (California State University Northridge)
- An analog of the Dubrovin's conjecture
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-06-15 at CGP Main Hall
- Fumihiko Sanda (Nagoya University)
- The little discs operads, graph complexes, and Grothendieck-Teichmüller groups
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-04-18 at CGP Main Hall
- Benoit Fresse (Université Lille 1 )
- On Chain Groups
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-04-13 at CGP Main Hall
- Sang-hyun Kim (Seoul National University)
- Homotopy theory of unital algebras
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-03-30 at CGP Main Hall
- Brice Le Grignou (Utrecht University)
- Potential functions on two-plane Grassmannians and cluster transformations
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-03-23 at CGP Main Hall
- Yuichi Nohara (Meiji university)
- Topology & Arithmetic of moduli space for elliptic Lefschetz fibrations
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-01-19 at CGP Main Hall
- Jun-Yong Park (Univ. of Minnesota)
- Stable and unstable del Pezzo surfaces
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-01-12 at CGP Main Hall
- Ivan Cheltsov (University of Edinburgh)
- Real group orbits on complex infinite-dimensional flag varieties
- 16:00 – 18:00, 2017-01-06 at CGP Main Hall
- Mikhail Ignatyev (Samara National Research University)
- CGP Seminar 2016
- January 1 – December 31, 2016
- CGP Seminar 2015
- January 1 – December 31, 2015
- CGP Seminar 2014
- January 1 – December 31, 2014
- CGP Seminar 2013
- May 29 – December 31, 2013